RFSC webinar “Localise the SDGs in your city!”, 26 june 2018
At the 2015 United Nations General Assembly, 193 UN member states unanimously adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which lays out 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs, which came into effect in January 2016, are a universal set of goals to be achieved by 2030 that set out objectives across the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The SDGs will be implemented in all countries, across different territorial scales and cities will be key to achieving these objectives!
The Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities offers local authorities a simple online tool to integrate these goals in the design, implementation and monitoring of local development strategies. This webinar aimed to raise awareness about implementing the SDGs at local level and present how the RFSC tool can help local authorities in this process. It was structured as follows:
- Introduction to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
- Example of St Fons, France using the RFSC tool
- Step by step explanation on how to use the RFSC tool to localise the SDGs in your city:
- Prioritising objectives
- Identifying concrete actions
- Monitoring and indicators
- Questions and answers
The recorded webinar and presentation are available here.